I feel strongly about the approach I am using in providing equine facilitated psychotherapy. What is emphasized is the clients' relationship with the horse, and using that connection to help facilitate change. Some other approaches use horses to complete certain tasks, such that the client can learn something. Unfortunately, this can take the client out of relationship with the horse. Therefore, in the approach I am using, the horse will not be forced to do anything other than be a horse. It is very hard to explain the power of equine psychotherapy; it really is something that must be seen.

So, I hope you will all check out my new website: shadowmountainequine.com. I am excited to get this phase of my work started, though my availability will be limited. I am very thankful to Keystone Equestrian Horsepark for their support of this venture. Check them out at keystoneteam.com
The other major change is that Dr. Angela Hicks is returning to part-time work with me! I am very excited about this, and welcome her back with open arms. She is completing her final stage of training to receive her PhD in Counseling Psychology; this will be her second PhD! So, she will have limited availability until the fall, but then will be back full force! Welcome back, Angela!
Congrats! I have to ask...did the inspiration for the name of your equine therapy program come from your pup? Love the name. :)