As most of us know, a whistleblower, Frances Haugen, recently testified in front of Congress regarding her knowledge of some of the dangerous actions taken by Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. Whereas her testimony covered a number of topics, most relevant to my work is the fact that it appears these companies use artificial intelligence (AI) to push diet and eating disorder content to young girls and young women. The extent of this is likely to continue to unfold over the coming months, but for now, what we know is that, in spite of this testimony and news coverage, it continues to happen.
For years, eating disorder providers have known that social media is risky for those with eating disorders. Studies have repeatedly shown that involvement with social media correlates to worsened body image, which is a precipitating factor for the development of eating disorders. As a result, providers have worked with adolescents and young adult to try to alter their usage patterns. We have recommended parents monitor for concerning content, and we have worked directly with patients to choose to change the accounts they follow, with an emphasis on following more positive messaging.
But, what we have not known is that, regardless of how we encourage our patients to use a different approach in their intentional use of social media, the AI algorithms have forced upon these same individuals content that is not within their control. THIS is what is so important for parents, and providers, to understand at this time. In short, simply being a certain age and gender is the trigger for being bombarded with pro-diet and pro-ED content, and there is nothing the user can do to change this.
Since this news came out, I have spoken to a few providers, including some at the top of the field, regarding their understanding of social media and its impact on those with EDs. And what surprised me was that NONE of them knew about this new finding, the impact of this algorithm. And we all agreed, this changes things in a massive way. No longer can we focus solely on encouraging patients to change their choices online, as simply doing that will not stop the barrage of eating disorder and diet content. So, what do we do now? There's not an answer to that question, but I pose some ideas below.
I have dug into the research on social media and eating disorders, knowing none of it has yet to address this new information. But here are some key takeaways:
- In 2021, the overall social media (SM) usage rate in the US was 74%. In the EU, 88% aged 16-24 use SM. Globally, the SM platforms with the highest number of user are Facebook (2.449m), WhatsApp (2B), Instagram (1B) and TikTok 800M (Statista, 2020)
- From 2014-2017, Facebook usage in adolescents 12-18 increased from 47% to 75.1% of users. A 2018 study showed highest use for adolescents was Instagram. (Clinical experience says that use of TikTok is also very high.)
- In one study, 61.3% of females sought body image related products on SM. Engagement with health, beauty and physical health accounts have been shown to correlate with an increased drive for thinness. Finally, increased time on SM was associated with lower self-esteem about appearance, which was related to increase dietary restriction.
- SM usage was positively correlated with body image dissatisfaction, and also with restricting, bingeing, purging, laxative and diuretic use, and drive for muscularity.
- Social media use increased pathology in those with lower self-esteem and higher social comparisons. Passive FB use, defined as viewing others' content, without posting one's own, and intensity of use, were linked to social comparison and poor self-esteem. Both of these were then linked to depressive and anxiety symptoms, which often underlie eating disorder behaviors.
- Longitudinal research has shown: Greater social media usage predicted greater body dissatisfaction and increased appearance-related discussions with peers 18 most later. Body dissatisfaction did NOT predict SM usage, meaning that SM, instead, negatively impacts BI.
This is all research conducted at the time before we were truly aware of the impact of these AI algorithms. So, all of this data that has been based on the content that users voluntarily seek is only exacerbated by the new reality, which is that increasing amounts of this content is actively pushed upon teens and young adults, AND the SM companies know that and, to this day, have not changed it.
Yes, to this day, users report that this content is still pushed upon this age group.
This changes the landscape for parents and providers. No longer is it as simple as encouraging our children and patients to choose wisely what they follow on social media. No, now we have to explain the reality that, simply due to their demographics (age and gender) this content is forced upon them each time they use SM.
Fortunately, as I have started to explain this to the girls and women I work with, the main response is anger. Nobody with an ED wishes it upon anyone else, so the women I work with are enraged about this reality. (I will add, some have indicated that TikTok is the worst offender, so I'd recommend to all of those with EDs...well, and probably everyone in general, but that's another get off of TikTok.) And, I believe, that rage in the mind of the highly intelligent and powerful girls and women with eating disorders can then result in change. But we must get the word out. Talk to everyone you know about this situation...from parents, to teachers, to providers, to teens and young adults. Everyone needs to unite in the fight against this attack from SM companies; an attack based in increasing income to advertisers, seemingly without worry about the impact on these girls and women. Moving forward, providers will start to get a sense of how much this newly recognized exposure has impacted those with eating disorders, but for now, it is important that those working with individuals with eating disorders know that this is something to look at.
And yes, men are exposed to it also, just not at the same rates, it seems.
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