Thursday, August 2, 2012

Give Us Some Feedback!

Hey! So, Blogger tells me people are reading this blog. And a couple of you have commented, but we'd love to hear from others! Is this blog helpful? Informative? Lowering your IQ as you read it? ;) Please, tell us what you think so we know whether to keep this up! Thanks!!


  1. i always read. i guess i don't always comment because i don't want to be the annoying one that comments on every post, though i always have something to say.

    i think the blog world is, i'll have hundreds of hits on a blog post, and then get like 3 comments. kind of sucks.

    but if you won't get annoyed i keep commenting, then i will! :)

  2. Ditto what Brie said. I also think some people are just shy about commenting. I saw a button on a blog that you can click that says something along the lines of "I read it and just didn't know what to say." I think it's a pretty good idea for those who don't feel like commenting. I don't know where you get the html code to put it on a blog, but I imagine you could Google something like it.

  3. wendy if you want buttons like what krista was saying, i could easily help you with that...

  4. I read sometimes, but don't really have anything worthwhile to contribute. So I think the button idea is a good one :)

  5. I read the blog often but one of many reasons I dont contribute or comment is becauseI feel like I blew my chances with this treatment team, and I guess I am a bit embarrassed or like I don't deserve to partake of this blog. But I have to say I get a lot out of it and I will try to continute to read and comment, even if I don't want my identity to be known!

  6. Anonymous,

    It is pretty hard to blow your chances with us. We would welcome back 99% of patients, even if we had to terminate treatment at some point. And that 1%, it isn't ED sx that would make us not take them back; it'd be that they threatened us in some way. So, if, you know, you haven't threatened us in some way, please feel free to contact us at any point! Sometimes people start treatment and then, forever reason, it just doesn't work at that point, but they contact us later and we start up again. Regardless, please do keep reading and commenting. I hope you are doing okay.
